Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Quotation-Based Discussion Questions

Post a significant quote from the book with the page number and create a discussion question. Respond to at least two of them.

The Relationship between Author and Text

In what ways has the author's life experiences influenced his or her story?

What elements of his/her life are included in the book? Why do you think the author chose to include these in the story?

What aspects of the author's life are not included in the book? Why do you think he/she did not include them?

Overall, do you consider this book to be an authentic? Why or why not?

Respond to some or all of the questions with at least 5 sentences.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Hannah- childhood/school years
Tyler- alternate works and awards
John- critical reception of the lit. circle book
Andrew-adult life
Francis- general background information about the culture

Discussion Questions


1. Describe the relationship between Amir and his father, Baba. Describe the relationship between Baba and Hassan. 

2. Why doesn't Amir refer to Hassan as his friend?

3. What effect does Baba's success have on his expectations of Amir?

4. What attitude does Amir's family show towards Hassan's? Why do they act like this?